ACE Startup Awards & 20th Anniversary Gala

ACE Startup Awards & 20th Anniversary Gala

2023 marks the 20th year ACE has been driving, supporting, and uplifting local start-ups in Singapore.

Alongside the development of the LaunchPad @one-north, we have participated in and contributed towards the evolution of Singapore’s startup ecosystem from its conception as a technopreneur park to today’s hustling and bustling startup hub.

In celebration of this significant milestone, we are organising ACE’s 20th Anniversary Gala on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at the Shangri-La Hotel.

As the national trade association for startups, we will unveil a new branding and introduce our inaugural ACE Startup Awards to recognise the efforts and achievements of startup ecosystem stakeholders including unicorn founders, investors, innovators, and community builders.

20 years is also a good time for us to reflect on how far we have come, and, more importantly, reboot and launch new initiatives to nurture entrepreneurs and build champion enterprises.


15 June 2023


6:00pm - 10:00pm


Shangri-La Hotel Island Ballroom 22 Orange Grove Rd Singapore 258350 Singapore



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